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佰易聚生物商城提供美國光譜醫(yī)學(xué)透析袋,wako生化試劑,amresco生化試劑,sigma生化試劑,優(yōu)質(zhì)的分子生物學(xué)試劑和試劑盒、培養(yǎng)基本和培養(yǎng)耗材、細(xì)胞因子和細(xì)胞分離液、抗體和elisa試劑盒及常用生物試劑等,大量現(xiàn)貨火爆*,歡迎登錄 www.ebioeasy.com或者,,洽談選購!
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CYT-284重組大鼠血管內(nèi)皮生長因子相關(guān)蛋白(rrVEGF-C152) 2μg/10μg/1mg Prospec



 VEGF-C152S is a point mutant generated by the replacement of the second conserved Cys residue of the recombinant processed VEGF-C by a Ser residue. VEGF-C 152S is analog to the human VEGF-C 156S mutant and only active toward VEGFR-3/FLT-4 but, unlike wild type VEGF-C, is unable to bind to and to activate signalling through VEGFR-2/KDR. VEGF-C152S was inactive in the vascular permeability assay and did not increase migration of the capillary endothelial cells, indicating that these VEGF-like effects of VEGF-C require VEGFR-2 binding. VEGF-C, also known as Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Related Protein (VRP), is a recently discovered VEGF growth factor family member that is most closely related to VEGF-D. The rat VEGF-C cDNA encodes a pre-pro-protein of 416 amino acids residues. It is almost identical to the mouse VEGF-C protein. Similar to VEGF-D, VEGF-C has a VEGF homology domain spanning the middle third of the precursor molecule and long N- and C-terminal extensions. In adults, VEGF-C is highly expressed in heart, placenta, ovary and small intestine. Recombinant rat VEGF-C, lacking the N- and C-terminal extensions and containing only the middle VEGF homology domain, forms primarily non-covalently linked dimers. This protein is a ligand for both VEGFR-2/KDR and VEGFR-3/FLT -4. Since VEGFR-3 is strongly expressed in lymphatic endothelial cells, it has been postulated that VEGF-C is involved in the regulation of the growth and/or differentiation of lymphatic endothelium. Although recombinant rat VEGF-C is also a mitogen for vascular endothelial cells, it is much less potent than VEGF-A.

Description :
recombinant rat VEGF-C 152 contains 152 amino acids residues and was fused to a His-tag (6x His) at the C-terminal end. As a result of glycosylation VEGF-C migrates as an 18-24 kDa protein in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions.

Physical Appearance:
 Sterile Filtered White lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder.

 The protein was lyophilized from a concentrated (1mg/ml) solution with BSA.

 It is recommended to reconstitute the lyophilized Recombinant Rat VEGF-C 152 in sterile 18MΩ-cm H2O not less than 100µg/ml, which can then be further diluted to other aqueous solutions.

 Lyophilized Rat VEGF-C152 although stable at room temperature for 3 weeks, should be stored desiccated below -180C. Upon reconstitution VEGF-C 152 should be stored at 40C between 2-7 days and for future use below -180C.
Please prevent freeze-thaw cycles.
 Greater than 90.0% as determined by:
(a) Analysis by RP-HPLC.
(b) Anion-exchange FPLC.
(c) Analysis by reducing and non-reducing SDS-PAGE Silver Stained gel.

Dimers and aggregates:
 Less than 1% as determined by silver-stained SDS-PAGE gel analysis.

Biological Activity:
 Measured by its ability to stimulate phosphorylation of the VEGFR-3/FLT-4 receptor in porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAE/FLT -4 cells). The ED50 for this effect is typically 150-300 ng/ml, corresponding to a specific activity of 5 x 103 Units/mg.

 Less than 0.1 ng/µg (IEU/µg) of Rat VEGF-C152.

Protein content:
 Protein quantitation was carried out by two independent methods:

1. UV spectroscopy at 280 nm.
2. Analysis by RP-HPLC, using a calibrated solution of VEGF-C152 as a Reference Standard.

 Prospec's products are furnished for LABORATORY RESEARCH USE ONLY. The product may not be used as drugs, agricultural or pesticidal products, food additives or household chemicals.

Latest Publications:
 1. Molecular mechanisms of VEGF-A action during tissue repair.

J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc 2006 Sep;11(1):79-86

2. Novel therapeutic developments other than EGFR and VEGF inhibition in colorectal cancer.

Oncologis t 2006 Oct;11(9):1018-24

3. Heparin-II domain of fibronectin is a vascular endothelial growth factor-binding domain: enhancement of VEGF biological activity by a singular growth factor/matrix protein synergism.

Circ Res 2006 Oct 13;99(8):853-60

4. Early vascular and neuronal changes in a VEGF transgenic mouse model of retinal neovascularization.

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006 Oct;47(10):4638-45

5. HDAC3 is crucial in shear- and VEGF-induced stem cell differentiation toward endothelial cells.

J Cell Biol 2006 Sep 25;174(7):1059-69

6. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and bcl-2 levels in advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer.

Cancer Invest 2006 Oct;24(6):576-80

 佰易聚生物商城提供美國光譜醫(yī)學(xué)透析袋,wako生化試劑,amresco生化試劑,sigma生化試劑,優(yōu)質(zhì)的分子生物學(xué)試劑和試劑盒、培養(yǎng)基本和培養(yǎng)耗材、細(xì)胞因子和細(xì)胞分離液、抗體和elisa試劑盒及常用生物試劑等,大量現(xiàn)貨火爆*,歡迎登錄 www.ebioeasy.com或者,,洽談選購!



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